
Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Clean Conventional Ovens

How to clean convectional ovens effortlessly.
How to clean conventional ovens effortlessly and painlessly.
Today we're taking our domestic cleaning tips back to the kitchen. We've discussed how to clean your microwave, fridge, and dishwasher. But, what about the oven? Like most kitchen cleaning tasks, everyone hates to clean the oven. When you think of cleaning the oven, you think of all the time it takes to get it clean perfectly. The back bending, the sweat, and all the extra elbow grease that's needed to plow up the greasy build up from inside it. Good news is cleaning your conventional oven doesn't have to be exactly like the horror story you've conjured up. Properly cleaning your conventional oven doesn't necessarily have to be quick, but it sure as heck can be easy. Here's some helpful tips on how to easily and effortlessly clean the "dreaded" conventional oven.

Because I am deathly afraid of homemade household fireworks (a.k.a an oven that has caught on fire) I like to eliminate chemicals from the regimen of cleaning my conventional oven. I prefer to stick to my handy dandy, never let me down, always does the job, good pal, baking soda.

Also get a medium spray bottle and fill it with warm water. Remove the cooking racks to grant you easier access to the walls of the oven. Spray the entirety of the conventional oven. Once the whole oven is spray, take your baking soda and spread the baking soda over every wet part of the oven. When a thick paste is made that coats each panel of the oven you have reach the peak of this cleaning process. Now it time to a break and let the paste set for a total of 3 hours.
When you return, give the oven a little sprits of water and simply wipe the paste away with a dry cloth. Believe me, the grease and grime will just slide right off.
Here was my simple tip on how to clean your conventional oven with little to no effort
Thanks for reading!
Return for more homemade recipes and tips on domestic cleaning
Until then, be safe and stay clean!

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